Mayo call for debate on Irish Water strategy

A Mayo Oireachtas member has called for a government debate on the strategy of Irish Water.

Senator Paddy Burke explained: "It is now six or seven years since the organisation was set up and it would be timely to have a debate on it.

"Between 2021 and 2025, a sum €6 billion will be spent on water services infrastructure the length and breadth of the country.

"How is further expansion planned? Does the issue come up at local authority meetings?

"I do not see it raised in Dáil Éireann or An Seanad.

"Local councillors know exactly where growth is taking place.

"I often wonder how one would apply for an extension to a sewerage or water scheme and how applications progress from the point where such works are needed to the planning stage.

"I do not see any great strategy or purpose in how things are done.

"I do not think this issue is being raised at local authority meetings.

"I would like a debate on it because a significant sum of money, €6 billion, will be spent on water infrastructure in the next four years.

"We could have a review of Irish Water, ask how it has progressed, the amount of money it has saved and the advances it has made over the past six or seven years," added the Castlebar-based representative.