Families of R116 victims reassured over accident review legal costs

Transport Minster Eamon Ryan have written to the families of the crew of R116 to let them know that the Department of Transport will cover their reasonable legal expenses incurred as a result of the review into the accident in which their loved ones lost their lives.

He explained: "The chairman of the review board wrote to me with a recommendation that the reasonable legal costs of the families be covered.

"I was happy to accept this recommendation and asked my officials to work on a mechanism to resolve the issue.

"The families of the crew did not ask for the review and were placed in a position of having to contribute to a complex process to ensure their loved ones’ interests were fully represented.

"While the Department of Transport argued before the review board that it did not have authority to make an order on costs, this was done because of the broader implications that such a ruling might have in future.

"This was never intended to imply a reluctance to pay these costs, and the additional stress this may have caused is regretted.

"In writing to the families, I am also conscious that they will shortly receive the final report of the investigation into the accident, a moment which is bound to be difficult for all concerned.

"Today we remember the service of Pilot Dara Fitzpatrick, co-pilot Mark Duffy, winchman Ciaran Smith and winch operator Paul Ormsby who gave their lives in the courageous pursuit of protecting others."

The tragedy occurred in March 2017 when the helicopter crashed into Blackrock Island off the coast of Mayo during a rescue operation.