Trócaire appeal to address humanitarian crisis in East Africa

THE Irish Catholic Bishops are appealing to the people of Mayo to support church collections at Masses next Saturday and Sunday (November 6 and 7) to help Trócaire’s vital work meeting the alarming increase in humanitarian needs in East Africa.

The bishops have expressed 'deep concern' at the sharp rise in the number of people in East Africa who have fallen into poverty and hunger due to the triple threats of climate change, Covid-19 and conflict.

The emergency appeal comes as world leaders meet at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow to agree urgent measures to halt the devastating impact of climate change, especially in developing countries.

Chair of Trócaire, Bishop William Crean, said funds raised this weekend will be used to support Trócaire in its work delivering much needed aid to Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, South Kordofan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where up to 30 million people are currently facing life-threatening food shortages.

Bishop Crean said: “The needs in East Africa are increasing every day and are being exacerbated by climate change which is causing ongoing drought. The reality is that the vulnerable communities in developing countries who have contributed least to climate change are impacted most.”

He added: “The effects of climate change have been compounded by Covid-19. In the countries where Trócaire works, less than 5% of people have been vaccinated and infection rates are up to 50%. An additional 200 million people have fallen into poverty globally because of the Covid-19 crisis.

“Wealthier countries, while protecting their most vulnerable citizens, also have a moral responsibility to ensure that the populations of developing countries have equal, rapid and effective access to Covid-19 vaccine coverage.”

Trócaire CEO, Caoimhe de Barra, said: “A deadly mix of climate change, conflict, Covid-19 and desert locust infestation have pushed millions of people across East Africa to the very edge of starvation.

“Large-scale assistance - including food, nutrition, and water - must be delivered to save lives. Trócaire is responding in East Africa targeting the most vulnerable, including children, the elderly, people with disabilities and those who have been displaced from their homes by climate change and conflict.”

Ms. de Barra said delayed and significantly below-average rainfall due to climate change has exacerbated the food insecurity situation in the region.

“The price of staple foods, fuel, and water are rising. This is coupled by a third wave of Covid-19 in East Africa destroying livelihoods and pushing millions into desperation. The situation is also increasing the risks faced by women and girls, including gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse.”

People can donate at Masses across Mayo on November 6 and 7 or by visiting