Mayo people urged to join global march for climate justice

MAYO people are being urged to join the global march for climate justice this weekend.

People Before Profit Mayo are asking people to add their voice to the campaign at an event in Market Square, Castlebar, tomorrow (Saturday) at 1 p.m.

They want people to support the #COP26COALITION Global March to demand serious climate action that has a just transition for workers, small farmers, small fishers and small business.

Global leaders are meeting at the COP26 Summit against the backdrop of rapidly accelerating climate breakdown. While they perform theatricals, people all over the world are mobilising in massive numbers for three key demands:

1. System Change not Climate Change

2. Climate Justice & Just Transition for all

3. Power of the People.

People Before Profit highlight how just 100 corporations cause 71% of greenhouse gas emissions.

The ambition of nett zero by 2050 is 'completely inadequate'.

Governments, they say, are shifting the burden of the climate crisis onto workers, small farmers, small fishers and small business while letting the real polluters off the hook.

'People power is our best chance of stopping runaway climate destruction.

'The Mayo Branch of People Before Profit are calling for people to come out on November 6 at 1 p.m. on Market Square in Castlebar to add your voice to the global call for climate justice.'