Plan Your Future 2021

Throughout the pandemic, it has been business as usual for the Citizens Information Service (CIS), with the local teams working tirelessly behind closed doors providing independent, non-judgemental, and confidential information, advice/assistance and advocacy to the public.

Since March 2020, the service has responded to over 82,000 queries regionally via phone, email and where necessary with face to face meetings by appointment.

As part of the CIS community response, a series of free, on-line public information events was piloted in Roscommon CIC on a range of social and civil rights and entitlements.

Due to the success of this webinar series Roscommon, Mayo and Galway Citizens Information Centres (CIC), who together form South Connacht CIS, have come together to provide a series of free on line information events throughout November.

With all the changes in the recent Budget, new laws in relation to inheritance, and significant changes in the Fair Deal scheme, some of which directly affect older people and members of the Farming community, it is more important than ever for the public to get accurate and up to date information on their rights and entitlements.

With this in mind the webinar series, each lasting approximately an hour and a half will cover the following topics:-

Wills and Inheritance – Wednesday, November 10, at 7.30 p.m.

Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal) – Wednesday, November 17, at 7.30 p.m.

Pensions and Entitlements in Retirement - Wednesday, November 24, at 7.30 p.m

Tomás Lally, Development Manager of Mayo CIS, stated: “We have been providing supports behind the scenes for the last eighteen months, our services recently opened for drop-in so it’s great to be engaging proactively with communities again albeit in a virtual way on these webinars.

“This is a timely opportunity for people to engage with experts on these topics, and ample time will be allocated for questions at each session.”

Ultan Hynes, Head of Services for Nursing Home Support Scheme for the HSE, who will also be presenting, stated: “I am delighted to be working with South Connacht Citizens Information Service and to have the opportunity to update the public directly on the recent changes to the Nursing Home Support Scheme ‘Fair Deal’ scheme particularly for changes relating to family farms and businesses. I look forward to addressing any questions or concerns which people have.”

Anne O’Carroll, from Cascade Consultancy, will be delivering the webinar on Wills and Inheritance.

Commenting on the webinar topic Anne said: “During my presentation I’ll be discussing what you need to consider when making a will and the laws on inheritance. Making a will saves time, money and hassle after your death and of course it won’t kill you!”

Funded by the Citizens Information Board, CIS provide a free, impartial and confidential information and advice service to the public on a wide range of areas including social welfare rights and entitlements, employment rights, health services, housing, education, family matters and consumer rights.

CIS also provide in-depth assistance and advocacy support to people dealing with more complicated issues.

The service works with all members of the public including pensioners, people with disabilities, migrants, refugees, lone parents, the Travelling Community, prisoners, people who are geographically isolated and those who do not have access to digital resources.

South Connacht CIS, Plan Your Future 2021 webinar series, is part of our annual community education programme.

Admission is free and anyone interested in attending can register on Eventbrite or call (0818) 07 6360.

For anyone needing impartial, confidential, non-judgemental and informed advice and support the CIS is here to help, throughout the pandemic and as we emerge from the pandemic.

There are many ways to access our services. The website is packed full of helpful information.

You can contact your local Citizens Information Service on 0818 07 6040, email: Staff members are available from Monday to Friday and services are free and confidential.