"Deep frustration at government’s confused handling of Covid crisis," says TD

Aontú leader and Meath West TD Peadar Tóibin has stated that there is much frustration arising throughout the country at the confused handling by the government of the Covid crisis.

Deputy Tóibín stated; "As cases surge in Ireland and increasing pressure comes on our health service the government remain wedded to a policy that is not working.

"Why is the government discussing extending the 'Covid Pass' when everyone now agrees that it does not stop the transmission of Covid?

"The vaccine helps reduce the damage of the Covid in terms of illness, hospitalization, mortality and morbidity.

"Without it the illness would be wreaking far more damage through society. But the vaccine does not stop transmission. Extending its use will not stop transmission”.

“TDs are being kept in the dark.

"It's increasingly difficult to get regular updates on numbers of daily cases who are asymptotic, the numbers with serious illness and the numbers who are vaccinated.

"We need to know more details of where these cases are from.

"How many are health care workers, how many are from nursing homes, hospitals and residential care facilities?

"We need to know when will all health care workers be boosted.

“One of the major frustrations has been the government’s approach to antigen testing.

"Why is the government still refusing to use antigen testing in the proper manner given that its the best way to tell if a person is Covid free and it does not discriminate?

"Nphet has moved from strongly advising against antigen testing stating that it was ‘snake oil’ to advising their use twice a week.

"Yet the countries who have used testing successfully to keep the illness suppressed have done so by testing before entry into hospitality.

"We are still miles way from that here. I have no doubt that the government will be dragged kicking and screaming to doing this in the end.

"However it may be too late by the time they do."