New road proposed in bid to alleviate Ballinrobe traffic congestion

THE traffic situation in Ballinrobe has 'seriously deteriorated' in the last couple of months.

A local councillor wants to see action on a new link road to alleviate the congestion.

Councillor Damien Ryan has called on Mayo County Council to make an application to TII for funding to connect the R331 Claremorris Road to the N84 Kilmaine Road as a traffic alleviation measure.

Funding, he said, is available under specific schemes.

The route in question forms part of the overall bypass and would essentially solve school traffic and provide an access to the M18 motorway without coming right through the town centre.

Elected members, he said, are 'inundated' with calls about traffic in Ballinrobe. His suggestion would solve some of the gridlock. They could apply for a scheme up to €2 million.

A lot of people were coming through Ballinrobe now to link up with the motorway in Tuam.

He felt there would be no opposition to a scheme if it was applied for.

Councillor Ryan proposed a representative from the national roads design office attend their December meeting to tell them how they intend to move this forward.

Councillor Michael Burke agreed they should put some kind of minor detour in place that could be done at a reasonable cost.

Dealing with traffic management was like 'shifting chairs on the Titanic', said Councillor Patsy O'Brien, who supported the motion.

Efforts to fund plans for traffic lights and junction improvements in the town are to be redoubled, said municipal district head Padraic Flanagan, who noted the situation has deteriorated.

Senior engineer Conrad Harley said as well as awaiting funding for phase one of the traffic management plan, they were also trying to progress a separate plan to move bus stops out of the centre of town.

Under active travel there was an opportunity to include schools in the Safe to School programme and deal with some parking issues.