Multi-storey car park needed at Mayo University Hospital

A MULTI-STOREY parking facility should be available at Mayo University Hospital, where people have easy access, under cover, to the facility.

The need to improve parking at the centre was highlighted by Councillor Cyril Burke at a roads committee meeting which heard of a new vehicle parking strategy, which is being developed for the county.

Parking in general in the county, said Councillor Burke, has been ad hoc and never really planned. There'd be a space available and it became a car park, whereas it should be planned.

The standout one for him was at Mayo University Hospital where there should be a multi-storey car park where people can walk into it, access it freely, and do so under cover.

It's awkward from most of the car parks at the facility to get to the hospital, particularly for older people.

Most people attending have an ailment of some description, yet you wanted to be in your health to get to the hospital the way it's set about, he stated.

On the proposed new parking strategy generally, Councillor Burke said they needed to consider charging points in car parks and along the roads network at strategic locations for electric vehicles