Plan to address ash dieback in Mayo

MAYO County Council is examining the issue of ash dieback in the county.

Concern about trees along roadsides affected by the disease was raised at a meeting of the authority's roads committee by Councillor Neil Cruise.

He also highlighted the amount of ivy growing on trees which have rotted.

Director of services Tom Gilligan said discussions have taken place internally in the council about ash dieback and the chief executive wants to see a plan progressed to deal with it.

Parks superintendent Peter Gill is compiling a report and they will look to work with other organisations, such as Teagasc and the IFA.

They couldn't just go in and cut every tree, continued Mr. Gilligan. Some trees survive and prove resilient and they needed to nurture those and use their seed for future growth.

Committee cathaoirleach Councillor Damien Ryan said there is a need to apply for a scheme at county and national level to address ash dieback.