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Setback for 28 unit Ballyvary housing proposal

A 28-unit housing development proposed for Ballyvary has suffered a setback at initial planning stage, being refused outline permission.

Developer Noel Golden tested if the principle for development was acceptable to Mayo County Council in making his application.

He sought outline permission for 28 semi-detached houses (12 single and 16 two-storey) with vehicular and pedestrian site access.

It was submitted that the development, if it were to proceed, would result in substantial benefit to the village in terms of providing much needed housing on vacant and underutilised serviced land, and in supporting local businesses through additional custom/demand for services.

The purpose of the application was to establish the 'principle of development' without having to go into extensive detail on house design or site engineering issues, for example.

The applicant wished to establish if the principle of a housing scheme was acceptable, and then obtain full permission to allow the site be developed.

Two observations were submitted to planners, with one suggesting tweaks concerning traffic and pedestrian flows.

The submission said residents were in favour of any developments that will add value and encourage the village to prosper.

However, if progress was made beyond outline permission they would welcome consultation, a point also raised in the second submission received.

The planning department's decision was to refuse. Full details on that decision are not yet available on the council website.