Second annual Move 4 Mayo Camogie campaign is up and running

Move 4 Mayo Camogie 2022 is up and running, and you can get involved on social media using the hashtag #Move4MayoCamogie.

Mayo Camogie are again encouraging everyone to start the new year in an active way by moving for 2,022 seconds (that's just under 34 minutes) or as often as you can each day throughout January.

Run, walk, cycle, swim, jog, skip, play games, practice skills – whatever you want to do, the important thing is to get moving.

A total of 15% of all monies raised through the #Move4MayoCamogie campaign will be given to Mayo Women’s Support Services.

Commenting on the launch, Rosemary Smith, chairperson of Mayo Camogie County Board, said: “We are very pleased to be launching the second annual #Move4MayoCamogie campaign after a very successful year in 2021. At Mayo Camogie, we are very committed to all our club and county camogie players and are keen that they be able to develop both their skills and experiences of the game. To nurture this development potential, we need adequate funding.”

Ms. Smith added: “Camogie is one of our national sports and a fantastic game for fitness, team-work and fun. We hope to introduce lots more girls all across the county to the game in the coming year and beyond. We look forward to seeing everyone’s activity for #Move4MayoCamogie and raising lots of money to support both our Mayo Camogie girls and Mayo Women’s Support Services' great work.”

With four active clubs in Mayo and county teams from Under 14 up to adult level, camogie is a growing sport in the county. All teams had a great year on the field of play during 2021, with the junior team becoming All-Ireland champions, winning the Nancy Murray Cup.

This year will be a busier again and will require more funding, so Mayo Camogie are encouraging everyone to move and donate to the #Move4MayoCamogie campaign on iDonate –

To participate in the campaign, simple get moving and share your updates on social media using the hashtag or email images of your moves to for sharing on Mayo Camogie's social media channels.

Meanwhile, if you are a business who would like to get intolved with Mayo Camogie, get in touch at