Miss Ireland Pamela Uba.

Miss Ireland visits pupils at Mayo school

THE pupils of St. Angela's NS in Castlebar got a surprise recently when they received a visit from the current Miss Ireland.

Pamela Uba, who grew up in Ballyhaunis, made history when she became the first black woman to win the competition and she made the trip to St. Angela's to speak to the pupils about diversity and being inclusive.

Pamela said: "My Ireland is a diverse Ireland filled with hundreds of thousands of children who are unique in their own amazing ways.

"We live on an island with a sea of endless talent. Each and every one of these children are authentic and beautiful in their own ways.

"I hope that I can only encourage them to flourish in whatever it is that they hope to do. My Ireland is diverse, my Ireland is unique, my Ireland is beautiful.”

In a video, the pupils welcome Pamela to the school and speak about how they are ‘super, talented, artistic, nature loving, generous, energetic, lovable, always inclusive, sporty, nurturing, sensational’.

The video can be seen on St. Angela's NS YouTube page or directly at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcMfMv4Ipuc