Honouring King Edward VII in Mayo

by Auld Stock

WHEN Britain ruled over Ireland parades and celebrations were held in various towns throughout Ireland to mark special occasions.

Castlebar, being a garrison town, was the centre for much celebrating, marching bands and displays of the Union Jack.

The proclamation of King Edward VII was marked with several ceremonies in Castlebar.

The Royal Standard was unfurled at the local Courthouse. The High Sheriff, R.M. Orme. B.L, read the proclamation.

There was much cheering when he had concluded the reading but there was also a considerable amount of booing.

Michael Horan, Shruffaun, hoisted a green flag at the Courthouse bearing the words ‘God save Ireland, long live Kruger’.

As I have written in the past, Ireland was a much different place in those days.

Quite a number of British soldiers based in Castlebar in the 1900s married local girls and the couples returned to England after their stint in Castlebar was completed.

*Paul Kruger became commander of the Boer forces during the Boer War. He was despised by the British authorities but was very popular amongst Irish people.