At the launch of the Housing Agency's new Statement of Strategy 2022-2024 today were: Michael Carey, chairman of the Housing Agency; Aine Stapleton, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and Housing Agency board member; Darragh O'Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage; and Bob Jordan, Housing Agency CEO.

Housing agency to prioritise three key issues in Mayo

More affordable housing, increasing the supply of social and private homes, and addressing social inclusion issues such as homelessness and ageing are the priorities for the work of the Housing Agency over the next three years – for Mayo and throughout Ireland.

That’s according to Housing Agency CEO Bob Jordan, who was speaking today (Thursday) at the launch of their new Statement of Strategy 2022-2024.

The Housing Agency is the government agency working to deliver sustainable and affordable housing for all. Its Statement of Strategy was launched today by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien.

It frames the work of the Housing Agency under three broad themes:

- Being a centre for housing knowledge

- Bridging housing supply and demand

- Building capacity for housing

Policy insights

Speaking at today’s launch, Mr. Jordan said: “Over the coming years, the Housing Agency will use research, informed policy insights and data to work to achieve a housing system that meets the housing needs of our nation and promotes viable, sustainable communities.

“We look forward to supporting and equipping our key stakeholders in the housing system, including local authorities such as Mayo County Council and approved housing bodies nationwide. We will work with them to deliver homes in sustainable communities that meet the range of needs that exist across Mayo and the rest of the country.”

The Housing Agency has been central to developing a vision for a new form of tenure in Ireland – Cost Rental, Mr. Jordan added.

“These are high-quality, long-term rental homes being made available to people on middle incomes at rents below market rates. Having already helped deliver the country’s first 65 Cost Rental homes, in the coming years we will work to deliver Cost Rental homes at scale.

“We are also working to increase the supply of affordable homes for people to buy. We will do this by supporting the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and local authorities with the local authority-led Affordable Dwelling Purchase Scheme, which is about delivering affordable homes to purchase in specific targeted areas with affordability problems, and by supporting the reformed Local Authority Home Loan Scheme.

“We will also support the nationwide rollout of the First Home affordable purchase shared equity scheme, delivering homes developed by the private sector and made more affordable for people to buy with the assistance of an equity share.”

Mr. Jordan said the Housing Agency will continue to play a strong role in delivering more social homes, promoting social inclusion, and supporting sustainable mixed communities by addressing the housing needs of those who face additional challenges in accessing and securing accommodation.

This includes assisting Mayo County Council and approved housing bodies in the county with acquisitions, providing more technical services and supports to local authorities through the expanded Procurement and Delivery unit, strengthening the Mortgage to Rent Scheme, supporting the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People and expanding Housing First to support those experiencing homelessness into permanent homes.

Practical approach

The CEO continued: “Huge potential already exists within Ireland's housing system, in the form of homes not yet built but with planning permission, vacant homes, or empty commercial buildings in our towns and city centres.

“The Housing Agency will take a practical approach to unlocking the viability of such sites to create new supplies of homes. This will include providing advisory services to Mayo County Council and all local authorities on the compulsory purchase programme for vacant properties, while collaborative work with the Town Centre First Programme will improve our town centres for communities across the country.”

The Housing Agency’s new Statement of Strategy is framed in the context of Housing for All, the government’s housing plan for Ireland.

Launching the report, Minister O’Brien said: We have some very challenging targets to meet under Housing for All, which will see this government spend over €4 billion in funding annually on the delivery of 10,000 social homes and 6,000 affordable homes for purchase or rent.

“The Housing Agency has a proven track record in assisting in the delivery of social and affordable homes and I look forward to working with Bob and his team for the next three years and beyond. Housing for All has at its very core the delivery of much-needed social and affordable homes which will transform people’s lives. With the assistance of the Housing Agency and our other stakeholders, I look forward to ensuring that these homes are delivered for individuals and families.”

Acutely aware

Added Mr. Jordan: “We are acutely aware that housing remains a priority issue for government – and for society as a whole.

“We know many challenges remain, but it is important to also highlight progress that has been made in recent years. Over the period 2022 to 2024, our ambition is to build on this progress.

“We will continue to develop and implement innovative solutions to address the housing challenges experienced by people living in Mayo and throughout Ireland, including in the areas of affordability, the viability and activation of housing stock, the delivery of social housing and issues of social inclusion.”