John Joyce and Michael Coyle, the owners of the Erris Coast Hotel.

Opening of new hotel at scenic Mayo location

A new hotel has opened in Mayo.

Owned by John Joyce and Michael Coyle, the Erris Coast Hotel in Geesala is located in one of Mayo's most scenic and beautiful seaside villages.

In an interview with Henry McGlade on iTVMayo, Mr. Joyce and Mr. Coyle said they were delighted with their investment which is providing new jobs and renewed vibrancy in the community.

They revealed they will be conducting an advertising campaign across the US promoting Erris as a wonderful holiday destination.

The renowned Irish playwright and poet John Millington Synge has a strong association with the area.

One of his best known works, 'The Playboy of the Western World', was greatly inspired by a visit he made to Erris in 1904/05.