Keel beach.

Progress on Mayo facility centres for water sports

PROGRESS on two Mayo facility centres for water sports announced last year as part of a €19 million project spearheaded by Fáilte Ireland has been welcomed by Fine Gael Spokesperson for Tourism and Sport, Alan Dillon TD.

Both centres in Keel and Carrowmore are nearing completion of their requirements to submit for planning.

Mayo County Council should be in a position to submit both planning applications in February.

Explained Deputy Dillon: “If the Keel application is successful, it is planned to tender for construction in January 2023 with the facility opening to the public in July 2023.

“If the Carrowmore application is successful, it is planned to tender for construction in April 2022, to commence construction in November, with the facility due for completion by May 2023.

“The new facilities will be top of the class with each centre providing hot showers, changing and toilet facilities, secure storage, induction spaces, equipment wash down and orientation points. In addition, they will be fully wheelchair accessible and built using sustainable materials such as solar heating panels to meet Nearly Zero Energy Building Standards.”

Deputy Dillon added: “Both of facilities are being funded under Fáilte Ireland’s Platforms for Growth capital investment programme.

“This €19 million programme aims to support the local economy and the outdoor water-based activity sector. It does so by significantly improving the overall visitor experience, providing new business and job opportunities in local communities, particularly in rural areas and allows for an extension of the traditional tourism season beyond the summer months.

“I look forward to the planning applications being submitted and hopefully progressing without any delay in order to maximise the benefits for their local communities.”