Lecturers and students of the Law Society's Solicitors of the Future programme.

Mayo students among 40 participants immersed in Law Society legal education programme

The Law Society of Ireland is leading the way in inclusive public legal education through its annual Solicitors of the Future programme, where 40 transition year students across Ireland explored a future career as a solicitor from February 22-25 last.

Students Orlaith McGeough, Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh, and Orla Connolly, Scoil Muire agus Pádraig, Swinford, were among the cohort of students that took part in the immersive online course this year.

The Solicitors of the Future programme aims to show students how the law can be relevant to their daily lives, and to promote awareness of the legal processes, constitutional principles and values which underpin the rule of law in Ireland.

The chairperson of the Law Society’s education committee, Richard Hammond, S.C., commented: “The Law Society is committed to making the solicitors’ profession more diverse and inclusive. Encouraging an interest in law at a younger age, for all members of society, is one way to do this.

“The Solicitors of the Future programme invites TY students to consider a career in law and offers an insight into the role of a solicitor in practice. Importantly, it helps foster a greater understanding of our basic legal rights and responsibilities as citizens, and provides an important life lesson on how to exercise our rights and access justice.”

With over 280 schools applying each year, the Solicitors of the Future programme is highly sought after and offers spaces through a nationwide lottery system. Following a successful switch to online delivery in 2021, the programme retained its virtual format for 2022, making it easier for students throughout the country to participate.

“By offering the Solicitors of the Future programme online again this year, we have broadened access to the course and have facilitated and encouraged participation by students across the country,” said Mr. Hammond.

The Solicitors of the Future programme offers a comprehensive schedule of guest speakers and interactive activities including, a human rights lecture, a criminal defence lawyer presentation and a panel discussion. The programme also offers a career seminar and finishes with an engaging mini mock trial.