Strategy must be amended to allow for new playgrounds in Mayo

THE wording in a play strategy for Co. Mayo is to be amended to reassure councillors that new playgrounds can continue to be developed.

Concern has been expressed that the new strategy could stymie the development of playgrounds for the next 10 years.

When it was discussed at a strategic policy committee meeting on Friday, those fears were again raised and it was agreed to defer the matter for adoption so the officials can re-examine it.

Mayo is well served with 122 recreational facilities at 80 sites and there is a focus in the strategy on refurbishment and maintaining these.

Playgrounds require weekly and quarterly inspections, conducted by council staff, and an annual inspection which is conducted by a registered inspector.

There are budgetary issues going forward, members were told.

They were also informed that there is an objective in the strategy to continue to develop playgrounds and MUGAs.

However, chairman Councillor Seamus Weir was unhappy with the wording and said it required change.

Councillor Michael Kilcoyne said it did not state that the council would take part in funding projects, and that was crucial. They needed a commitment.

It was agreed that the executive will draw up a document that takes into account what was said and it will be on the agenda for the next committee meeting in May.