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Tourmakeady mast plan is turned down

PROPOSALS for a 30 metre lattice telecommunications structure at Gortfree in Tourmakeady have been turned down by council planners.

Vantage Towers Ltd. brought the application to address Vodafone's requirement to improve services in the area.

There is, it was submitted, a deficiency in basic 4G coverage in Tourmakeady and the surrounding area. Coverage in the area is inconsistent and in the village it is almost non-existent.

One submission was received by Mayo County Council which said that at 30 metres high, the mast would be 'vastly' higher than any other scenery element in its vicinity and would significantly detract from the natural beauty of Tourmakeady.

A council planner's report said while the applicant provided a robust justification for the need for the development, the site was along a designated highly scenic route and it would adversely impact the scenic amenity of this visually sensitive area.