Seosamh O Maolchroin on Croagh Patrick.

Mayo man continues Reek challenge in memory of Tuam babies

Seventy-year-old Mayo man Seosamh Ó Maolchroin, a survivor of Tuam Mother and Baby institution, will climb Croagh Patrick next Sunday for the third time this year.

He is committed to climbing the Reek seven times during 2022 in memory of the babies who died in the Tuam facility in 1952, the year he entered the home.

Seosamh, from Aughagower, spent the first seven years of his life in the Tuam home and over those years a total of 41 infants died at the facility.

He has been very courageous in coming forward to speak about his harrowing experience in a state and church institutional care system and his life's journey has not been easy.

He said: "When I was a seven year old boy cowering in a corner, I never thought I'd live to be a 70-year-old man climbing the Reek seven times in a row on a journey to justice for over 796 babies as well as survivors."

During next Sunday's climb he will remember Baby Joseph Anthony Burke, who died at the age of five and a half months.

His two previous climbs this year were in honour of Baby Anne Josephine McDonnell and Baby John Noone.

On his first climb a German film crew climbed with him and a film has been released in Germany.

Everyone is invited to join Seosamh on Sunday.

The group will gather at 10.30 a.m. on at the car park in Murrisk.

Refreshments will be available afterwards at Campbell’s Pub at the base after the climb, thanks to local sponsors.