At the turning of the sod for the new sensory garden were Councillor Donna Sheridan, Deputy Michael Ring, Councillor Michael Kilcoyne and Councillor Blackie Gavin.

Number of local projects unveiled in Balla

A NUMBER of local projects completed in the Balla community were unveiled by Deputy Michael Ring on Friday.

They included new planting in Balla Town Park woodlands and the No Name Club eco project.

Balla No Name Club have done fantastic work on an eco project, in conjunction with town parks, planting 150 trees and putting woodland animals in the area for children.

Deputy Ring acknowledged the work carried out on this project by the chairman of the No Name Club, Brendan Conwell, with the other volunteers.

Balla Town Parks is a huge resource for the local community, he said, with more walks being added every year.

New communications boards were unveiled at Balla playground - the first location in the county for the board, which will support children with additional needs.

The project started following a motion tabled by Councillor Donna Sheridan, while special thanks was also given to Amanda McGuinness, board member of AsIAm, Ireland's national autism charity, who came up with the concept and assisted in the design of the boards.

Deputy Ring said Amanda is a wonderful advocate for children and adults with additional needs who gave so much of her time to assist in the design of the boards.

Deputy Ring with Amanda McGuinness (left) and Councillor Donna Sheridan

Deputy Ring also turned the sod on the proposed new sensory garden that will promote biodiversity in Balla.

The area is situated beside the children’s play area, which has already been planted with trees.

Special mention was given to Geraldine Durkan, secretary of Balla Tidy Towns, for her input into this project.

Another local project has been the restoration works at the old Church of Ireland.

Permission was sought by local community members from the Church of Ireland to tidy up the area around the property. Forty trailers of rubbish were removed along with overgrown shrubs and weeds.

Councillor Sheridan provided funding for LED lights and the front wall.

Commented Deputy Ring: “Balla is an ideal example of how community organisations work together for the betterment of their area. The works carried out in Balla are significant and are a shining example to other communities.

“I would like to particularly pay tribute to Councillor Donna Sheridan who liaised with the community groups in Balla and put a lot of work into these projects.”