Mayo community anger over loss of district nurse after 70 years

A west Mayo community is up in arms over the decision of the HSE to transfer their district nurse to a post in Castlebar.

The parish of Ballintubber has been served by a district nurse for over 70 years and the loss of the role is a major blow to residents.

Councillor Al McDonnell has appealed to the HSE to immediately reverse the decision as a campaign to retain the nurse is being escalated.

He said the nurse provided an outstanding service to people across the wide area in a clinic based at Ballintubber Community Centre while also calling to homes of those requiring medical attention.

“The decision of the HSE to break a 70-year tradition of service in the Ballintubber area is one that has to be both resisted and questioned.

“To say that local people are disappointed with the HSE over this matter is an understatement. They want the decision reversed as a matter or urgency.

“Nobody can see the logic of ending a very valuable service to a rural community, a decision that will lead to placing additional pressures on services in Castlebar which are already struggling to cope,” he added.