Malone's plant in Ballyglass (Image from Malone Farm Machinery website).

Road improvements near Mayo machinery plant welcomed

ROAD safety improvement works have taken place near the Malone Machinery plant in Ballyglass.

Councillors have approved the extinguishment of a right of way on the local road - L1604 - in Carrownhaltore, Ballyglass, as part of the scheme.

The road has a sharp s-bend and ends at a crossroads. A new road has been constructed to bypass the bend and create a new junction, leading to a safer road.

Land for the new road was provided by Michael Malone free of charge.

The right of way extingishment was needed to divert traffic onto the new road. A section of the existing road serving two other landowners will remain a public road.

The Malone family were commended by councillors at their municipal district meeting on their success as an international exporter and valuable local employer.

Councillor Al McDonnell said the matter before them was in the best interests of road safety.