New exhibition features works by local older Achill artists
AN exhibition featuring the work of local older Achill artists is opening next week.
The launch of the Hearth Exhibition takes place at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24, in Achill Library.
The exhibition is part of Mayo Arts Service's Bealtaine celebrations.
Hearth is a project that brings art into the homes of older people who are isolated geographically or restricted for other reasons by supplying a skilled artist who is experienced in working with older people and those with special needs, who travels to the home of the older person weekly and facilitates a one to one workshop there.
Artist Maggie Morrison made weekly visits with six participants in Achill in autumn/winter 2021.
All are invited to come along and see the work created by the Achill participants at the exhibition in Achill Library.
The exhibition continues for the month of June.
Achill Library opening times are:
Monday and Thursday: Closed.
Tuesday and Wednesday: 2 - 7 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The library is closed the Saturday of bank holiday weekends.
Hearth received funding under Creative Ireland’s Creativity & Older Age with support from Mayo County Council Mayo Age Friendly and Mayo Arts Service.