Main sponsors Donal Byrne (Big Red Barn) and Gerry Niland were joined by pupils to cut the tape. Photos: Pauline Flately

Celebrations as Aghamore NS opens new garden

LEARNING was brought outside at Aghamore National School with the development of a new garden.

From flowers to vegetables, pupils are really enjoying the fruits of their labour.

The sun shone on pupils, staff, parents and sponsors at the official opening, where the garden was blessed by Fr. Jerald David and the ribbon cut by main sponsors Donal Byrne (Big Red Barn) and Gerry Niland, along with pupils.

Work on the garden began in March of last year. On returning to school after the second lockdown, the idea of creating a school garden began to take root. The project was spearheaded by Rebecca Kearns, Madeleine Niland and Nickie McDermott.

The ladies came up with a plan of what they wanted - to create a sensory space and a traditional garden all in one. Help was sought and came from the parent body and other local people, with everyone who was approached generous with their expertise, time and money. For this the school is truly grateful as this made the project a reality.

Work started, with the area cleared and fenced off, paths laid, raised beds put in place, climbing equipment, a trampoline, a sensory area and a basket swing installed.

The children painted tyres to make planters, fruit trees were sown and the children sowed vegetables in the raised beds and watched them grow.

All enjoyed the fruits of their labours in the autumn when Madeleine and the children made smoothies using berries from the fruit trees and potato salad and delicious potato wedges from the spuds.

The garden has been a fantastic addition. It is essentially an outdoor classroom and the children have learned a lot about growing plants and vegetables as well as enjoying using the equipment.

Thanks to all who made the project a reality, especially the generous sponsors.

The garden will benefit the pupils of Aghamore NS for many years to come.

Below are some photos from the day's celebrations by Pauline Flately