Enforcement order served by council on Mayo quarry operators

Mayo County Council has served an enforcement orders under the Air Pollution Act on the operators of the Roadstone quarry in Castlebar.

The move follows a series of complaints by residents of the Moneen, Liscromwell and Aushaluskey areas of the town relating to the smell, odour and noise emanating from an asphalt plant at the location on a regular basis.

John Condon, director of services, Mayo County Council, said the operators are required to carry out works at the plant to address the issues raised.

Mr. Condon said if the works outlined in the order are completed, it will rectify the situation.

However, the council will continue to monitor the site on an ongoing basis.

The operators have 14 days during which to make representations to the council.

The matter was raised at today's meeting of Castlebar Municipal District.

Councillor Ger Deere had tabled a notice of motion asking the council's planning and environmental section to publish an interim report on complaints made by the residents.

A written reply to his motion set out how 61 odour complaints have been received by the council since last September.

Since October 2021, 69 inspections, including odour patrols, have been carried out by enforcement staff.

Odour was detected intermittently during patrols and the issue has been discussed with Roadstone management.

In response, the licensee appointed specialist consultants to review the site operations.

An odour action plan has been submitted to the council based on their findings at the end of March.