Councillor Mark Duffy, the newly elected cathaoirleach of Ballina Municipal District.

New cathaoirleach of Ballina MD is one of the youngest ever

The new cathaoirleach of Ballina Municipal District, Councillor Mark Duffy, is one of the youngest ever to hold the chain of office.

That includes the current Municipal District system and the old Urban/Town Council style of local government.

Councillor Duffy (Ind), who is still in his 20s, was elected today at the annual meeting of Ballina MD, taking over from Councillor Annie May Reape (Fianna Fáil) following her year wearing the chain of office.

“I'm very honoured to take up the position and very excited for the year ahead,” said Councillor Duffy following his election.

He added that there is a lot to be excited for, including regeneration of the town centre through projects such as the Mary Robinson Centre and the Innovation Quarter, and he knew all members were working towards the same goal of making Ballina a more attractive area in which to live, work and visit.

He said he hoped to provide a fair platform to everyone to promote their views and wanted to be as inclusive as possible.

He thanked his colleagues for supporting his nomination; Councillor Séamus Weir (Ind) for proposing him and Councillor Michael Loftus (Fianna Fáil) for seconding, and Councillors John O’Hara and Jarlath Munnelly (both Fine Gael) for their support in enabling him to take office.

He also congratulated Councillor Reape for her service throughout the year as cathaoirleach, and thanked the council staff, indoor and outdoor, for their year-round work, along with the volunteers in various organisations throughout the county and particularly Ballina MD in their efforts to improve the community.

In a statement after the annual meeting, the new cathaoirleach said: “In the role I will endeavour to work dedicatedly for every single resident of our district, young and old, regardless of political background, identity, faith, nationality or beliefs, building on the work of those who have gone before us and for our diaspora across the globe.”

Ballina, he noted, is entering an exciting period ahead of the celebration of its 300th anniversary in 2023 as well a return of the Ballina Salmon Festival this summer. He stated that he was looking forward to further promoting and supporting the aims of his home town becoming more sustainable with the vision of being named 'Ballina - Ireland's Greenest Town'.

“That said,” he continued, “housing is the most important issue of the day. Our pyrite-affected homeowners must be prioritised and helped through their application processes with ease and empathy.

“Ambitious, high quality housing development projects which are both affordable and social in nature will also help make Ballina realise its potential as a place to live, work, visit, grow up in and grow old in.”

Meanwhile, Councillor Loftus was elected leas cathaoirleach at the annual meeting today. He was proposed by Councillor Reape and seconded by Councillor Weir.

After thanking his colleagues for the honour, Councillor Loftus congratulated Councillor Duffy on his election to the role of cathaoirleach by saying he knew his late father would be looking down on him with much pride.

“When I told him I was thinking of getting into politics he told me I was mad. He was right!” Councillor Duffy responded as he in turn congratulated Councillor Loftus on his appointment.

On behalf of the council management and staff, Tom Gilligan, director of services for the region, congratulated both Councillor Duffy and Councillor Loftus and wished them well in the year ahead.