Concerns raised over future of Mayo rehabilitation centre
Concerns have been raised over the future of Mayo's stroke and brain-acquired injury rehabilitation centre.
The matter is to be raised at the next meeting of the HSE West Forum by Castlebar Councillor Michael Kilcoyne.
He said the facility at the Sacred Heart Hospital in Castlebar has been a lifeline for many affected patients and their families over the years.
He has been informed that the unit was due to move to a newly-refurbished ward at the hospital with space to cater for more patients as well as offering respite services.
But the move was put on hold as the ward in question was secured to help alleviate pressures on Mayo University Hospital during the Covid pandemic.
However the much-anticipated transfer of the space to the rehabilitation unit has not materialised to date, leaving service-users concerned that its future could be in jeopardy.
Now Councillor Kilcoyne wants assurances from the HSE that St. John's Ward at the Sacred Heart Hospital will be made available for the rehabilitation unit as a matter or urgency.
"Every effort must be taken to ensure this valuable service is retained in Castlebar," he added.
Other elected representatives in the county have been contacted about the matter.