Pavel Sfera pictured at Main Street in Castlebar before dropping into Collins Music Shop.

Bono lookalike sings U2 hit in Mayo music shop with staff

Bono lookalike Pavel Sfera, who is currently visiting Mayo, hit all the right notes when he popped into a music store in Castlebar.

He invited staff members of Collins Music Shop, Castle Street, to accompany him in performing the smash U2 hit, 'One'.

Violinist Niamh O'Donnell and guitarist Sean Murphy were thrilled to take up the offer and the trio sounded fantastic.

Pavel, who lives in California, has been in Mayo seeking out a suitable location for a special photo-shoot he is planning.

The lead singer in a U2 tribute band, he has been shaking hands and having photographs taken with people during his visits to Westport and Castlebar.

"I am grateful to the people of Mayo for the warm welcome they have extended to me.

"I am a poet and I really enjoy connecting with people from all over the world who think I am Bono.

"I always make time for everybody and, yes, I am a big fan of U2 and their music. I also love the great charitable contributions Bono has made."

He told The Connaught Telegraph he recently spent time working in Romania with Ukrainian refugees due to his passion for philanthropy work.

Pavel has his own website here.