The existing helipad at the harbour on Inishturk. The replacement helipad will be constructed on a new site near the island community centre. Photo: Connaught Telegraph

€357,000 approved for new helipad on Mayo island

A sum of €357,000 in funding has been allocated for the construction of a new helipad on Inishturk, off the Mayo coast.

Welcoming the news, Deputy Michael Ring stated: “I am delighted to receive confirmation that €357,000 has been allocated to this very worthwhile project on Inishturk.

"The helipad will be a vital resource for the Irish Coast Guard.

"The Department of Rural and Community Development is covering 90% of the cost of the project and Mayo County Council are providing the balance required.

“This project has been in development for quite some time. The helipad will provide a safe place for the Irish Coast Guard to land on.

“The Irish Coast Guard carry out tremendous work and it is vital that they are supported in their work.

"It is an important priority of the government to make islands more sustainable so this is very welcome news for Inishturk."

In a statement, Deputy Alan Dillon acknowledged the importance of this investment from the Department of Rural and Community Development that will provide a vital resource for the Irish coastguard.

He said: “I have worked closely with the community of Inishturk the past number of months to ensure this particular project and funding has been secured which represents the latest major investment by Minister Heather Humphreys in our offshore islands.

“This helipad will be a vital resource to the Irish Coastguard, providing them with a safe place to land on the island itself."