Murrisk Abbey with Croagh Patrick in the background. Photo: Christian McLeod/Failte Ireland

Westport Order of Malta issue notice ahead of Reek Sunday

The annual Reek Sunday pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick takes place tomorrow and the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps is urging the large number of climbers expected to take extra care to protect themselves and others from accidents and injuries on the mountain.

While numbers participating have fallen in recent years due to Covid-19, this year is expected to attract a larger number of climbers, with some opting to undertake the climb in bare feet.

Management of the health and safety during the climb will be led by The Westport Unit of the Order of Malta, whose volunteers have carried out its operations alongside the Mayo Mountain Rescue Team since 1997.

This co – operation goes beyond “Reek” weekend, with the two organisations working closely on the increasing number of rescue operations that are needed throughout the year.

The increasing number of call outs is representative of the dangers posed by the climb, often underestimated by the public.

Order of Malta personnel will be on hand both on the mountain and on the ground in Murrisk throughout the day to assist and advise climbers.

Speaking of Reek Sunday, Brian Moran, regional director, Order of Malta, said, "We urge all climbers to be extra cautious this weekend given the dangers posed by the climb, particularly due to an expected increase in footfall this year.

"We cannot overstate the importance of climbers being suitably equipped for all possible weather.

"It is so important that appropriate footwear such as hiking boots be worn, and that people bring warm clothes and rain gear, as well as sun protection.

"Everyone taking part in the climb should also bring a plentiful supply of water and snacks, to stay hydrated and maintain energy.

"Please give extra care for children and young people on the climb, and make sure you go at your own, comfortable pace to avoid falls.

"Rain is expected on the day, so it is important to note the additional dangers this may pose as climbers reach the summit.

"As this is such a large-scale and unpredictable event, planning has been underway for months to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone taking part.

"This is a very significant event each year for the Order of Malta, and the safety of our volunteers and climbers could not be protected to such high and professional standards without the co-operation of many organisations, all of whom deserve some special mention and thanks.

"We hope that everyone taking part on Sunday has a safe and enjoyable climb.”

The Order of Malta Ambulance Corps will provide more than 70 volunteers from throughout the country, alongside many volunteers from Mountain Rescue Ireland, with both organisations assisted by Civil Defence teams, the Irish Air Corps, An Garda Síochana, Mayo County Council, the Murrisk Development Association, the Irish Coast Guard and Church Authorities.