Ballina to Enniscrone recreational trail study underway

A STUDY is underway about developing a recreational trail linking Ballina and Enniscrone.

Mayo County Council, in conjunction with Sligo County Council, have appointed Outdoor Recreation, a not-for profit organisation with expertise in the sustainable development of outdoor recreation across Ireland, to carry out a feasibility study for the trail.

The study will consider many factors to aid decision-making, including landownership, land use and privacy, ecologically sensitive areas, physical constraints, and connectivity between places where people live, work, and recreate.

These factors will help to inform trail route options and a trail standard.

While a route entirely along the estuary’s edge is what many people will envisage, the reality is that such a trail is likely to weave its way through various types of landscape between the two towns to avoid sensitive areas and ensure a viable and appropriate trail that complements or enhances the function of any lands, without unduly impacting land use activity.

It is likely that any such trail will offer a similar feel to the ‘Warren Way’, with a goal to ensure it fits in well with its surroundings.

Local volunteers from Ballina Lions Club, Castleconnor Development Committee, and Enniscrone and District Community Development Association have been contacting landowners for early-stage discussions regarding access arrangements. This work is progressing well and will be ongoing across a variety of route options over the next few months.

Outdoor Recreation will be meeting with some landowners by prior arrangement on September 8 and 9 to discuss possible ideas.

If you wish to provide insight or feedback at this early stage, you are very welcome to contact project officer Claire McLernon who can arrange to meet in person or talk to you more about possible outcomes.