Major funding boost for Mayo tidal pool

A Mayo TD has announced funding of €45,000 in for Belmullet Tidal Pool.

Deputy Michael Ring stated: “This magnificent facility has been a tremendous success.

"They have approximately 180 people aged from four years to eighteen years of age swimming regularly in this pool.

"It is used by locals and visitors alike. It is a fantastic asset to the Belmullet area.

“When Councillor Gerry Coyle approached me looking for support for this project, he was extremely enthusiastic about it.

“We would expect Mayo County Council to seek further funding for this amenity and also to put some of their own funding into supporting its further upgrading.

“I am absolutely delighted with the success of it. I know that it has aided a lot of young boys and girls in learning how to swim.

“I wish to compliment all the people involved in organising lessons, events and supporting the facility in any way."