‘My Legacy Month’ reminds people in Mayo to put affairs in order

My Legacy Month is a reminder to people in Mayo to use September to put their affairs in order, and if circumstances allow make a contribution to the future of local communities.

The Community Foundation for Ireland says Legacies, either in a will or a ‘letter of wishes’, offer an opportunity for people to continue contributing to causes which they are passionate about to ensure future generations will live in thriving local communities.

The Foundation, which works with over 5,000 voluntary, community and charitable groups across the country and has distributed almost €100 Million in donations in the past 22-years, believes the full potential of legacies has not been reached and is seeking to increase awareness.

People who wish to leave a gift are being invited to support The Community Foundation which will ensure future support goes where the need is greatest but with a particular focus in four areas:

Empowering Generations, an opportunity to support people across all age groups whether strengthening young voices or standing up for the rights of older persons.

Inclusive Communities, ensuring equality for all by leaving a gift for our migrant, Traveller or LBTI+ communities and others who are too often left on the sidelines or brushed aside.

Accelerating Change, which supports groundbreaking work across a range of issues like promoting cross-border civil society partnerships or shaping national debates on issues like poverty by supporting world-class research.

Sustainable Futures, which facilitates donors who want to be part of the response to the biggest challenges of our time, the climate and biodiversity emergencies.

Denise Charlton, chief executive of The Community Foundation for Ireland says: “Making a will, putting affairs in order and planning for the future is something all of us have a habit of putting on the long finger. My Legacy Month which is being marked right through September is a reminder that these are things we should not continue avoiding, but for ease of mind should get to grips with.

"Taking action now not only prevents future uncertainty and confusion in families but also is an opportunity to show your intention to continue to support causes which you have held dear throughout your life. Many of those causes can in communities in Mayo and a legacy can ensure they thrive into the future for the benefit of your younger loved ones.

"There are options. A legacy can be part of a will, however if you are not yet ready to take that step it can also be in the form of a Letter of Wishes. Our team are always happy to have a conversation and to advise on the steps which may best meet your needs. Please do drop us a line info@foundation.ie.

"We also believe that legacies are largely untapped in Ireland when compared to other countries. The Foundation is asking the Government to include an awareness raising campaign on legacy giving as part of a new National Policy on Philanthropy.”