The proposed 50-house project at Golf Course Road in Westport.

Councillor expresses reservations over 'crazy' €14m. Mayo housing project

A Mayo elected representatives has expressed reservations in respect of a new development of 50 developments at Golf Course Road in Westport in a €14 million investment.

Local Councillor Peter Flynn said while any housing project has to be welcomed, it is a hammer blow to so many young working people who had hoped common sense would prevail and some affordable houses would be included in the scheme.

He elaborated: "When you look at the recent decision by Bord Pleanála to overturn a planning decision in Westport on a near identical site with 46 houses because the density was at least 60% too low and there was no mixed tenure, it just highlights how crazy this development is.

"It is interesting that no government minister is taking credit for the announcement yesterday and that no contractor is mentioned.

"But one has to assume there is a lot more to the story than €14 million when most developments like this are costing closer to €20 million when you include all costs.

"I have stated from day one that this should have been a mix of social and affordable so families earning over €26,000 were given a chance.

"Good luck to those from far and wide who will receive these homes but it is not a good day for young working people in Westport or Mayo."