View of the harbour on Inishturk. Photo: Connaught Telegraph

Increased ferry services a must for Mayo island's future sustainability

A MAYO island community wants to see increased ferry services and shorter journeys to ensure its future sustainability.

The passenger ferry service for Inishturk is up for renewal in November, with a tender for a new five-year contract being prepared.

A working group has surveyed the needs of the community so their concerns are addressed and the island gets the best possible ferry service.

A journey time to and from Inishturk of no more than 40 minutes is viewed as crucial for the future sustainability and viability of the island community, 90% of survey respondents said.

This was indicated as singularly the most essential element to be incorporated into the new contract, saying the time currently is approximately one hour, excluding waiting times at Roonagh Pier.

There should also be additional sailings to facilitate greater access, including two return sailings daily, morning and evening, all year round, with an additional fast ferry on a Friday evening and early Monday morning.

Additional midday sailings at weekends for May, June and September were identified, and every day for July and August.

The community also want a modern service, comfortable and fitted to a high standard with ventilation and heating, including a sheltered outdoor area.

In previous contracts spanning the past 25 years, Inishturk has had less than 14 return weekly sailing.

The working group, in a circular published for would-be contract tenders, said they intend to reverse this and obtain parity with all other islands.