A plaque near Kirkintilloch in memory of the Achill victims.

Achill marks 85th anniversary of Kirkintilloch fire disaster

by Tom Gillespie

THE 85th anniversary remembrance night of the bothy fire disaster in which 10 Achill youths lost their lives in Kirkintilloch, Scotland, on September 15, 1937, will be held at Ted’s on the island at 8 p.m. this evening (Thursday).

All are invited for an evening of talks as the islanders remember the lives of the young victims. Their lives as tattie-hokers will be recalled, the way in which they lived and the effects of migration on the island.

Guest speakers will include Shelia McHugh, Tom Johnston, Denis McCarthy, Michael O’Donnell and Pat Kilbane.

Earlier, at 7 p.m., Mrs. Kathleen Sweeney will lay a wreath of flowers on their grave at Kildownet Cemetery.

The ill-fated youths, who were engaged as potato-diggers, were members of a party of 14 girls and 12 men who arrived at the farm from Edinburgh only the Wednesday prior to the disaster.

The girls, some of whom were sisters of the youths, escaped from an adjoining building only to have the terrible experience of watching the flames which sealed the doom of their brothers and friends.

Rescue workers and the girl members of the party made desperate efforts to save the doomed men - all of whom were in the same room - but these attempts were foiled by the intense heat and flames which quickly made an inferno of the building.

The victims of the disaster were:

Thomas Cattigan (19), son of John Cattigan, Achill Sound.

Patrick Kilbane (18) and Thomas Kilbane (16), sons of Michael Kilbane, Points, Achill Sound.

John McLaughlin (23) and Martin McLaughlin (16), sons of Michael McLoughlin, Saula, Achill Sound.

John Mangan (17), Thomas Mangan (15) and Michael Mangan (13), sons of Anthony Mangan, Ballagh, Achill Sound.

Owen Kilbane (16), son of Owen Kilbane, Grahanns, Achill Sound.

Patrick McNeela (15), son of Margaret McNeela, Grahanns.