The former Volex plant at Breaffy Road, Castlebar.

Appeal issued to council provide empty site to Mayo Parkinson's Association

An appeal has been issued to Mayo County Council to provide space to the Mayo Parkinson's Association at the former Volex plant in Castlebar to provide a centre of excellence.

Councillor Martin McLoughlin said there is 20,000 square feet in the vacant building and 2,000 square feet would more than meet the needs of the organisation.

He said elected members and officials of the Castlebar Municipal District met with representatives of the association a number of months ago and promised to do everything in their power to find a suitable location for them.

“The Volex building would be very suitable and it offers extensive parking space. We have a reputation as a caring council and we should engage with these people and their very good cause,” he explained.

Councillor Blackie Gavin said it is a very worthy cause and should be supported by the council.

Councillor Al McDonnell said the property in question is currently being sold by the council.

“If the municipal district makes a submission to the council on the matter, it should carry weight.”

Councillor Donna Sheridan is also supportive of the proposal.

“We should get full clarity in regard to the Volex sale and if there is an option to facilitate this group,” she said.