Chambers welcomes CAP Strategic Plan worth almost €10bn.

IRELAND’S finalised CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) 2023-2027 has been approved by the Cabinet.

Mayo Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers has welcomed the announcement by Minster for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue, describing it as 'a farmer-friendly, fair and well-funded CAP'.

“It will deliver some €9.8bn to our farm families over the next five years to support them to continue to produce world-class, safe and sustainable food as well as supporting them in their important work of meeting our climate ambitions,” she explained.

“Fianna Fáil has always understood the need for supporting our farm families through the CAP. This plan delivered not just increased funding for the sector but also featured closer collaboration than ever before from all of the relevant departments in the design of the plan.

“This collaboration will continue throughout the implementation process as we seek to achieve in particular the maximum environmental ambition through close monitoring and evaluation of progress.”

She continued: “The plan will provide vital support to farmers and rural communities. It aims to meet the twin objectives of ensuring the continued viability of family farms and maximising the environmental and social sustainability of the sector.

“It will also support women who are heads of farm households. Women farmers will qualify for higher TAMS grants and also that there will be separate Knowledge Transfer Groups for women.

“I want to commend my colleagues Minister McConalogue and Minister Hackett for all the work they have done over the past few years in putting together this well-funded and considered plan.”