Transfer of 135 Ukrainian people from Kerry to Mayo is cause of controversy

A controversy has erupted over a decision by Ipas to move 135 Ukrainian people from Kerry to new accommodation in Mayo tomorrow.

Disappointment is being expressed that the women and children who have been staying in a Killarney hotel since March were given less than 48 hours' notice they are being transferred to Westport.

They have been asked to make way for almost 200 men who have been allocated their accommodation after spending some time in Dublin.

The Irish Examiner is reporting that the mayor of Killarney told an emergency meeting of community leaders that moving asylum-seekers into a hotel in Killarney and moving out Ukrainian refugees living there for six months “does not make any sense."

Niall Kelleher has called for a reversal of the decision by Ipas, the international accommodation agency, to move out what has become a well-settled community.

The Ukrainian community is due to be welcomed to Westport tomorrow.