Work on new Mayo primary care centre 'to recommence shortly'
The HSE has confirmed that works will recommence shortly on the new primary care centre in Ballyhaunis which has been delayed.
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said the HSE is aware of the importance of working with the developer to progress construction as a matter of urgency.
To this end, the HSE has formally requested a planned recommencement date and programme of works to completion.
"I understand that this delay is frustrating for the people of Ballyhaunis and its surrounding area.
"However, I wish to reiterate that both I and the HSE remain committed to the delivery of a Primary Care Centre in Ballyhaunis as quickly as possible.
"In the interim, I wish to assure you that the people of Ballyhaunis can access a suite of primary care services in nearby Claremorris and Castlebar," the minister added.
He was responding to a question raised by Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh.