Calls to reverse decision to end audio recording of Mayo council meetings

MAYO County Council is being urged to reverse its decision to withdraw the service of audio recording of its monthly meetings.

A notice of motion calling for a change of mind by the executive is due to come before the next meeting of the authority. It is being tabled by Councillor Ger Deere.

The issue was raised at the monthly Castlebar Municipal District meeting, which was recorded - a situation welcomed by his Fine Gael colleague Councillor Donna Sheridan.

She said she wanted the practice to continue for openess and transparency and there was support that it should not change.

Councillor Blackie Gavin agreed it was a top class service, providing a backup service if things go wrong.

The decision, he pointed out, was not made by the elected representatives. It was made without any of the councillors knowing about it and he wanted it reversed.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Councillor Deere said: “Two years ago I was threatened with legal action over a comment that I allegedly made in the course of a debate.

“Only for the meeting was recorded and proved otherwise, I could have faced a legal claim.

“Having our meetings recorded not only protects us as councillors but also the general public, if members were to say anything defamatory.

“The monthly meetings have been recorded now for up on 30 years and I want this continued into the future.”

A spokesperson for the council said the advancement of technology in the council chamber over recent times has negated the need for stand-alone audio recording of individual meetings.