Minister for Lands Michael O’Morain (centre) performed the official opening of the County Ballroom in November 1963, pictured with proprietors Luke and Tom McHugh.

From the archives: Mayo's County Ballroom was opened by McHugh brothers in 1963

By Tom Gillespie

IN early November 1963 - 59 years ago this week - the County Ballroom was opened by the McHugh brothers at the Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar.

An opening feature was carried in The Connaught Telegraph on November 2 of that year.

The article read: Through the efforts of private enterprise, Mayo’s county town, Castlebar, will take another step forward when the new ultra-modern ballroom at the Welcome Inn (now Ivy Tower Hotel) will be formally opened.

The County Ballroom, as it has appropriately been called, possesses every modern amenity, so that it will more than adequately cater for the needs of dancers, young and old, who feel in the mood to trip the light fantastic.

It is the latest and one of the most modern ballrooms erected recently in provincial Ireland and has every inducement to set the dancing feet of patrons a-tapping.

It’s gay colour scheme, accentuated by the effects from the floodlights and crystal, immediately create an atmosphere of gaiety for today’s most discriminating dancer.

The new ballroom, which adjoins the hospitable Welcome Inn, is spacious, well laid out and has perfect acoustics.

The stage and indeed the whole setting is pleasing and attractive, and no effort was spared to ensure that it got everything to meet the needs of the modern teenager, the old and not so old, and the jolly old-timer.

And those who grace the floor can be assured that they will have plenty of scope to enjoy themselves on the roomy 4,000 square foot maple floor.

The Minister of Lands, Mr. Michael O’Morain, who is always interested in the progress of his native town, will perform the official opening ceremony on Sunday night before the dance commences.

Thus another milestone of progress in Mayo’s so-called capital will be reached: a milestone in keeping with the progress of the town in recent years.

As stated at the outset, the building of this hall at considerable expense is yet another shining example of what can be achieved by private enterprise.

The Welcome Inn Hotel, Castlebar.

In May 1962, the Welcome Inn, erected by the McHugh brothers, Thomas and Luke, was officially opened, and that it has continued to command a growing business is indicated by the fact that in such a short space of time a number of new additions were added to it as well as the new ballroom.

The McHugh brothers have achieved much through sheer hard work and initiative.

Mr. Thomas McHugh served his apprenticeship to the building trade and later gained wide experience at home and abroad, established a building contracting firm which attained success from the very start.

The firm, under his personal direction, has continued to expand and in recent years the private housing schemes he has carried out, particularly in the Rathbawn area, will remain a monument to him for many generations to come.

His brother, Mr. Luke McHugh, who is managing director of the Welcome Inn Guest House, emigrated to England as a youth and during his years abroad his enterprise and courage brought him to many parts of the world.

Aided by the knowledge gained during his travels, the business under his capable guidance is continuing to flourish, as will, no doubt, the new ballroom.

Both are to be warmly complimented on what they have achieved. In wishing the venture every success and prosperity, we know that we are expressing the sincere wishes of all in Castlebar.

For despite their remarkable achievements, success has not gone to the heads of the McHugh brothers. They have remained the same humble, affable Tom and Luke, and it is this that has won for them the esteem and respect of all those who have had the pleasure of meeting them, whether on business or in the more convivial atmosphere of the Welcome Inn.

Of course, the new ballroom was erected by Mr. Thomas McHugh, while some of the men behind the scenes who played major roles included Mr. John J. McGowan, B.E., Castlebar, who designed the building, which is a tribute to his architectural ability.

Using all the latest techniques and paints, all the interior decorating and painting was carried out by Mr. Joseph Livingstone, painting and decorating contractor, who deserves to be highly commended for the really delightful colour scheme. The colours which blend so well are ceiling Jonquil emulsion paint; walls: clear blue and blossom; ornamental plaster centrepieces in several pastel shades, and for the first time in Castlebar multi-coloured freak paint (shade: toreador) has been used in the entrance hall.

The electrical installations and all the lighting was expertly carried out by Mr. Patrick Brady, electrical contractor, Castlebar, while the central heating contractors were Jordan Brothers, Castlebar.

For the grand opening dance in the County Ballroom the big newsflash for dancing fans is that the music will be supplied by the Eldorado All-Star Showband (Drogheda).

The coming of this renowned combination of musicians, which is one of Ireland’s leading showbands, should prove an outstanding attraction.

The band is regarded as one of the country’s liveliest, most melodious and hard-working showbands in the business, and it features four star vocalists.

In harmony or individually, those vocalists have proven themselves ‘top of the pops’ and their rendering of the latest numbers of the ‘beat’ era have been widely acclaimed.

The Eldorado Showband has made some very successful tours of England and Scotland but have made few appearances in the west of Ireland due to heavy bookings at home and abroad, so that its visit to Castlebar on Sunday night for the opening of the County Ballroom will be an added attraction not only for dancers, but for all those who enjoy good music.