Invitation to join Mayo Sports Partnership in their winter initiative campaign

WINTER is often a time when people become less active due to the shorter daylight hours and worsening weather.

However, getting involved in sport, exercise and physical activity have huge benefits to individuals and communities and the winter initiative is designed to ensure that these can be felt by as many people as possible.

The first winter initiative was a huge success, with thousands of people engaging with activities and programmes organised by national governing bodies, local sports partnerships and clubs in towns and communities all over the country and that success will be built upon this winter. With over 700 events and activities planned across the country there is a specific focus on encouraging people to try their hand at a new sport they may not have experienced before. A full list of all the events and activities planned all around the country that people can get involved in is available on the Sport Ireland website at

"Doing exercise during this time of year helps us all in having positive mental health and in our general mood. The winter initiative with clear goals and targets helps to give us all motivation to engage in physical activity," stated Councillor Michael Loftus, chairman, Mayo Sports Partnership.

Do you struggle with motivation to keep active over the winter months?

Why not join Mayo Sports Partnership and sign up to their winter initiative programme, keep track of your active minutes on the downloadable calendar, receive motivating weekly emails and tips on how to keep active. There are so many fantastic reasons to get out and get active. Let’s get active together this winter Mayo.

If you would like to take part in the Mayo Sports Partnership Winter Initiative, visit

For additional information, contact or (094) 9064360.