Energy support scheme will ease pressure on Mayo businesses
MINISTER Dara Calleary has welcomed news that the Temporary Business Energy Support Scheme (TBESS) is open up for registration from today (November 26).
The scheme, which will be administered by the Revenue Commissioners, will assist businesses with their electricity or natural gas (energy) costs during the winter months.
Businesses can submit claims from December 5. First payments from the TBESS will be available to business owners by the end of the year, once the Finance Bill 2022 is enacted in December.
The TBESS will assist qualifying businesses with their electricity or natural gas (energy) costs from September 1, 2022, to February 28, 2023.
Eligible businesses can register for the TBESS, via the e-Registration facility in Revenue’s Online Service (ROS), from today (Saturday, November 26).
A claim portal in respect of TBESS will be available via the eRepayments system on ROS in early December.
Welcoming the opening of the scheme, Minister Calleary said: “The scheme will be vital for businesses and will ease the pressure that they face during the winter period. Businesses that qualify will get up to 40% of the additional costs they are facing, up to €10,000 per month until February.
“The high costs of energy are causing significant issues for businesses across the spectrum. Fianna Fáil has recognised this and has worked with our government partners to implement this support scheme for businesses that have experienced significant increases in their gas and electricity bills.
“Fianna Fáil is the party of small and medium businesses, and we are committed to supporting those who create local jobs in this country throughout this inflationary period.”
Your business can make a claim under the scheme if it: Is tax compliant; carries on a Case I trade or Case II profession - this includes charities and approved sporting bodies that carry on certain activities; and has experienced a significant increase of 50% or more in its electricity and/or natural gas average unit price.
“I would urge all eligible businesses across Mayo to apply for the scheme and if I can be of any assistance in the matter, please don’t hesitate to contact my office,” added Minister Calleary.