New Mayo homes found for over 150 dogs and 300 cats

Northwest SPCA, based in Ballina, has thanked Mayo County Council for its kind donation which go towards veterinary bills.

A statement issued by the organisation stated: "We take this opportunity to thank the councillors for their ongoing support throughout the year.

"NWSPCA operates with a dedicated group of volunteers and those who foster animals giving freely of their time 24/7.

"Last year we re-homed over 150 dogs and re-homed over 300 cats.

"We also went out to cat colonies and trapped neutered and returned a huge amount of cats.

"We thank all the vets who deal with us for their professional care and their understanding of our financial situation regarding our funds.

"We thank our shop volunteers who staff our two shops, the public who continue to donate to us, our fundraisers, all our volunteers who give freely of their time and transport free of charge.

"Without these marvellous people, we could not continue to operate with our animal rescue.

"We cannot forgot our fabulous people who foster animals and who open their heart and homes to our many dogs and cats.

"We operate mainly through foster homes, which helps to place them in their appropriate forever homes.

"Last but not least, we thank Tom at Shraheens boarding kennels for his kindness and care to some of our many dogs and cats .

"We do have the use of kennels when the need arises and we are available to assist Mayo County Council dog pound, if required.

"As its nearly Christmas time again we implore you to adopt some of the beautiful animals who come into our care.

* Pictured above are ten pups to which Freya, a lurcher, gave birth a number of week ago.

They have also found homes apart from two.