Mayo local authority needs to appoint a European officer

MAYO County Council needs to have a European officer to help leverage funding for projects.

One such project that might benefit is the proposal to sink a ship in Killala Bay to attract divers.

The ship itself - the 60-metre MV Shingle - won't cost a cent as Revenue have offered the confiscated boat for free.

However, Councillor Michael Loftus, who is driving the initiative, told the council's annual budget meeting he is trying to get a licence for the project.

The only way he can see it being progressed is through European funding, but he didn't know how to go about it.

A European officer was needed in the council to direct them on where to go with projects.

Just that day funding of €180,000 was announced for Ballycastle in north Mayo, which was great, but he felt if they are looking for funding they should be going to Europe.

Councillor Damien Ryan agreed these things are no longer just national. If looking for funding, it was important to have someone at the coalface on it.