Give a sustainable gift - Save a Sod protecting biodiversity in Mayo

IF you are looking for a sustainable, climate conscious gift for someone this Christmas, Save a Sod have the answer.

Save A Sod is a way to contribute and commit to protecting Irish biodiversity, and the environmental organisation has a number of sites around the country, including in south Mayo.

Established in 2006, they are working to establish Wild Acres (land in protection) in every county - safe havens where species can thrive and flourish through proper management and re-wilding. Each piece of gifted land has its own uniqueness and is managed according to the recommendations of its own unique ecological report.

Its small native woodland gifted in Ballinrobe consists of oak, birch, Scots pine, and willow trees, ferns, ivy, wood sage and more, including a bat colony.

Native woodland is crucial to healthy habitats and ecosystems as many flora and fauna are under great pressure from intensive farming and housing.

You can gift a 'sod' in someone's name for €25 to protect a sod of Irish land for one year. Recipients of a gift donation over €50 will receive a beautiful letterpress certificate, hand-made by Dublin letterpress studio One Strong Arm, using card made from recycled coffee cups, and printed with ecological ink.

It is a beautiful alternative and considered Christmas gift, and perfect for someone who is interested in sustainability, the mitigation of climate change, and also in protecting Ireland's natural biodiversity and wild acres.

The purpose of Green Sod Ireland is to protect and conserve gifted Irish land in perpetuity, for the sake of its indigenous inhabitants: animals, plants, soils, rocks, micro-organisms and the like for their own sake, for present and future generations.

Green Sod Ireland works with local communities, raising awareness of the health, educational, social, economic and environmental benefits of caring for the land and its biodiversity.

For more, see