HIQA calls for 'more effective measures' to address Mayo ED overcrowding

An inspection by HIQA of the emergency department at Mayo University Hospital last August found there was considerable overcrowding which impacted on waiting times and the effective flow of patients.

The resultant emergency department overcrowding challenged the promotion of the dignity, privacy and autonomy of people using the service.

A spokesperson outlined: "The overcrowding also posed infection prevention and control risks, where the minimum social distancing was not being achieved in all areas.

"Screening for Covid-19 on arrival at the hospital was not found to be fully in line with national guidance at the time, but this was addressed on inspection.

"Once allocated a bed space on the ward, there was evidence that the overall experience reported by patients improved.

"Despite challenges posed by overcrowding in particular, people using the services said that staff were kind, respectful and considerate of people using the services.

"Overall, HIQA acknowledges management’s efforts to address the issues identified.

"However, more effective measures are required to address overcrowding, staffing and patient flow issues to ensure the care delivered, in the emergency department in particular, complies with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare."

HIQA found the hospital to be compliant with three, substantially compliant with four, partially compliant with four and non-compliant with three national standards.