Doing the double! All-Ireland overall winners in the Under 13 cross-country girls race, Freya Renton (1st) and Holly Renton (2nd). They also helped Mayo win a team bronze and Connacht a team bronze in the Under 13 category.

One-two for Westport AC's Rentons at All-Ireland championships

THE young athletes of Westport AC did the club proud at the All Ireland Uneven Ages in Conna, Co. Cork, which took place earlier in the month.

It was a tough course, with inches of deep slippery muck, but they all took it in their stride and kept pushing on to the very end never giving up. To get this far and completing the course was an achievement in itself and not many ever get that opportunity to represent their club, county and province.

A special well done to Freya and Holly Renton, another fantastic result in claiming gold and silver out of the field of 157 girls.

A report from Athletics Irelands said: "The twins provided yet another superb display of cross country running in one of the early highlights of the busy 12 race schedule. The Westport AC pair went toe-to toe-over the 2500m route, with Freya ultimately finishing narrowly ahead of sister Holly to double up on the gold she collected in Donegal two weeks previously in the Under 14s age group".

They also were instrumental in helping Mayo win a team bronze and Connacht win a team bronze.

May Duckett also was pivotal in ensuring Mayo win an Under 13 team bronze. May was running out of age which shows her talent.

Well done to Ethan Doherty too on his sixth place position out of a field of 129. This finish meant automatic qualification to represent Ireland in Scotland in January in the UK Cross Challenge. His dedication and hard work have paid off, and is a proud moment for the club.

Ethan Doherty and Padraig Corduff were also responsible for ensuring Mayo win team bronze in the Under 17 boys.

Well done also to Maud O’Reilly, Padraig Corduff, Ruairi Hollywood, Clare Ryan, Erica O’Driscoll, Erin Walsh, Saoirse McGing, May Clarken, Finn Duckett and Róisin O’Brien who ran great races.